Riccione Baseball was born in 1972, following the experience of the other teams present in the Region of which ‘il Castenaso’, ‘il S. Marino’, ‘il Pesaro’, ‘il Ravenna’, ‘il Godo’ & others.
DFor years disputed itself in division “D” to than proceed to division “B” in 1983 after a draw with the team “il Chiarbola di Trieste”.
AFollowing a restructure of championships the Division “B” became “C1”. It was promoted to Division “B” after winning the match against ‘Lubiana Parma’ in 1990. Although losing the match against ‘l’Anzio’,in 1992 it was moved up to the “A2”. championship played in ’93 & ’94. In This last season thanks to a formidable ‘girone di ritorno’, conducted on the ‘monte di lancio’ by a certain Daniel Newman the demotion was saved.